Pilates is good for any body, but can be especially helpful to those recovering from an injury or someone with chronic pain. Some studios, such as Pilates CORE elation, are dedicated to Pilates for Rehabilitation. In Rehab Pilates classes you will reduce pain, restore the correct movement, and restore function.
Pilates Retrains the Correct Movement
Believe it or not, most injuries are caused by individuals moving out of alignment with their bodies as well as imbalances within the body. The first step you want to take in recovery is to identify the imbalance. This is very difficult to do on your own, so having an instructor watch you move is extremely beneficial. Once the imbalances are found, your Pilates instructor will help you retrain your muscles and movements to reduce your pain and significantly reduce future injuries.
It may surprise you, but humans use their core for just about every movement. Whether you are sitting, standing, or exercising, your core should be engaged and working. Pilates movements teach neuromuscular reeducation, techniques to restore the normal function of nerves and muscles. This will help your balance, coordination, and proprioception. When your core is strong your posture is better and will keep you from further injury.
How Pilates Reduces Pain
Pilates is different from other exercises in that it takes the weight off your joints and other important structures in your body and strengthens your primary muscular support system. This will ultimately lead to less pain! The exercises in Rehabilitation Pilates are extremely gentle and low impact while improving muscle strength. When you are focused on the body as a whole, your body will relax and provide you with relief from the chronic, or injury-related pain you are experiencing.
Pilates also reduces stress and leaves you feeling at peace within your body and mind. Stress can cause more pain in the body and often does. If you can find your way into a more blissful state, your pain will reduce. Pilates is an awesome place to start decompressing stress.
Pilates Restores Function
Pilates movements restore function in many different areas of the body. It helps to improve your balance, strength, flexibility, posture, and coordination. It can bring balance to your emotions and thoughts as you remain focused and present with your breath and the postures. The movements focus deeply on muscle alignment and proper body positioning.
Pilates can also increase your bone strength. If your bones are weak, your chances are high for injury and pain. It also increases blood circulation which will speed up the recovery process significantly.
Find a Studio and Start Rehabilitation Pilates
There are probably videos on the internet for Rehab Pilates if you are not able to make it into a studio. However, I highly recommend working with someone who knows what they are doing and can make the postures work for your body and injuries. Doing these postures, or any exercise, out of alignment will not put you on the fast track for healing. Let a professional Pilates instructor lead you on the road to healing and help you get there quickly.