By Kip Kolson, Special for TTU In August 2018 I wrote an article Aretha Franklin: Net Worth = $80 Million; Trusts & Wills = 0. At the time of her passing no wills were found. It now seems there were at least three handwritten wills; two in a locked cupboard and one scribbled in a…
Tag: Kip Kolson
When The Newsman Is The News: Rupert Murdoch’s Family Feud
The New York Times recently published a lengthy article on the Rupert Murdoch media dynasty of news and entertainment companies and politics. It is not the politics that drew my attention, but the predictable family in-fighting and vying for control in which two of the six Murdoch children have engaged. Rupert has been married four…
Congratulations On Your College Degree In Cheating!
By Kip Kolson, Special for The Time USA The headlines this week were dominated by a massive nationwide-college-admissions-cheating scandal that involved wealthy individuals paying up to $6.5 million to move their children to the front of the enrollment line for top universities like Yale, Georgetown, Stanford, University of Southern California, UCLA, and the University of…
I Wish You Enough!
By Kip Kolson, Special for The Times USA This story was recently circulated through emails. I…