By Daphne Michaels, Special for TTU
Does complacency always turn success into failure? Well, if it’s true complacency, such as laziness, smugness or over-confidence, then yes; complacency will surely turn your success into failure. Why? Because success is not a destination — it is actually a state of creative flow. And acting complacent is one sign that your creativity has stopped.
But creativity is also mysterious and we can’t assume that if it has stopped — laziness, smugness or over-confidence is the problem. What looks like complacency may actually be just the beginning of another crippling issue: burn out.
Only you will know for sure if you are complacent or dealing with early burn out. But let’s just say it’s burn out. What to do? There are many things that will help, as long as you have the right intention. For instance, resting with an intention to hop back on your creative wave in just a few hours, will help prevent burn out. Taking some time away from your project, with an intention to recapture the momentum, will help prevent burnout. Breathing, with an intention to pick up where you left off, will help prevent burn out. Think it through; because regardless of what you do, your intention is crucial.
When it comes to acting complacent; one thing is for sure: determining if it is actually an early sign of burn out can literally make or break your success.
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Daphne Michaels is a leading expert in human potential and author of the Amazon #1 bestselling book, Mountaintop Prosperity: Move Quickly to New Heights in Life, Work and Money. She is endorsed by the national media and listed with the top-rated All American Speakers bureau. Daphne is a regular guest offering business advice and expert commentary on The Price of Business and other nationally syndicated BizTalk radio programs.