By the Price of Business show, Media Partner of The Times USA.
Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business show, interviewed Hessam Parzivand, who practices Employment Law in the Houston area. Parzivand is a show regular and has is an important source of information on the law as it deal with employment issues.
Recently he was on the show to discuss one of the most important achievements of the 41st President, George HW Bush. They discussed it following the President’s passing. They discussed that, although Bush was known as a great foreign policy leader and diplomat, he made significant policy changes in the domestic front. One of the biggest was the Americans with Disabilities Act. Parzivand said, “the world was totally different for those with disabilities before the passage of that important legislation.” On the show, he compared the world before and how things are today, and how that law continues to be so important to individuals today.
Kevin Price is also a Senior Editor at The Times USA.