It is extremely difficult to name one singular experience that defines our existence. But for Lanora Wyatt, there is one thing that has remained permanently ingrained in her being–something that simply cannot be undone: rejection. Each stage of her life, and the entire process of her growth as a professional, has been marked by rejection, and that is what fuels her to rise above every obstacle she faces.
As a child, Lanora never developed any relationship with her father and grew up being abused. At 12 years old, she was adopted by her maternal grandmother. When she entered adolescence and adulthood, she worked her way to overcome her childhood traumas, but life does not always pan out the way one wants to. After falling in love and getting married, Lanora faced a devastating turn in her life once again when she faced divorce in 2016. Because of the divorce, rejection tormented her and pushed her into the pit of depression, wherein she began to gain a lot of weight.
In 2019, she was introduced to a workout class by a close friend. After attending several sessions, she saw positive results in her body. But more than the physical change she was going through, she started to take notice of the improvement within her. She began to feel good about herself again. She stopped looking for love from someone else, but rather she learned to be the person who will love herself. Her negative experiences and feelings allowed her to flourish and become the person she is now.
After experiencing dejection several times, Lanora found a way to transform chaos into beauty, a process of excruciating unraveling and growth. This became her motivation to achieve her dreams and to continue towards the path of improvement. Although she exposed herself to different types of activities, she found a love for fitness. Through fitness, she was able to piece together all aspects of her life–a masterfully crafted piece of art containing her past and present–to build a future dedicated to helping others undergo the same transformation she underwent.
In life, there is a light that wanders at the most random nooks in a dark alley, which shows itself at unexpected times. This light manifests through different forms and for Lanora, it was through fitness. Currently, Lanora is assisting others with their health and wellness goals. She launched Fitness by Nori on November 21 of 2020 and in less than 90 days, the organization has managed to obtain 12 clients. As a trainer, Lanora has helped others gain happiness and satisfaction with the decrease of body weight.
As a former member of the U.S. Navy and Army, a Human Resources professional, and a Certified Master Trainer (CMT) through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), there is no doubt that Lanora has achieved successful feats in her life. But her achievements did not come easy. As you’ve learned about her inspirational journey towards restoration, be moved by her strength and perseverance, and follow her steps towards self-improvement.
To know more about Lanora Wyatt and Fitness by Nori, you can visit her website or connect with her directly through:
Instagram: @fitnessbynori