INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Lori Keesey to provide another commentary in a series. The Lori Keesey Commentaries You’ve likely seen them … commercials evoking the concept of “good vs. evil” to pitch a product or service. The…
Tag: voice
6 Reasons To Give Your Brand A Voice In 2022
When you talk about giving your brand a voice, it is in every sense of the word. It is about giving your brand an image that can connect with your target audience almost instantly. It is also about voicing your thoughts and opinions and having a conversation with your loyal customers and keeping them engaged…
Voice Queries are Rising! How to Optimize your Website for Voice Search?
The SEO industry is booming since people rely on the internet to find solutions to their day-to-day queries. Traditionally, keyboards were used for searching, be it on mobile or desktop. But with the advent of voice recognition features, things are changing. It has been found that the market for voice recognition is expected to…