The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders. This is one in that series. Randall Tandy Jr. Blended Family Coach, Randall Tandy, co-founder of Enjoying Your Blended Family, talks about this new movement they are calling the B.Fam Movement. He shares how this can bring more fun and enjoyment…
Tag: kids
Parents Can Avoid a “Varsity Blues” Nightmare
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Cynthia Muchnick and Jenn Curtis about their book, Parents Compass. In this important interview, Kevin Price discussed with the authors the real reason parents go too far in pushing their kids,…
Tooth Fairy Payouts Continue to Drop
Parents, do not be surprised if a savvy kid holds on to a lost tooth until market conditions improve. The Tooth Fairy’s purse strings appear to be tighter than a year ago with the average monetary payout down by 43 cents. According to the just-released Original Tooth Fairy Poll®, sponsored by Delta Dental, the Tooth…