INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Daniel A. Cotter, Attorney, and Counselor. The Daniel Cotter Commentaries Welcome to “Your Attorney as a Trusted Advisor with Daniel Cotter.” I’m Daniel Cotter, Attorney and Counselor at Howard & Howard Attorneys, PLLC. …
Tag: Data
Misconceptions About Enterprise Search
By Elizabeth Thede, Special for The Times USA Misconceptions about enterprise search abound. This article will attempt to resolve some common ones—and get you on your way to instantly searching terabytes. The first misconception is that unindexed search is as good as indexed search. For example, the application dtSearch® offers both indexed and unindexed…
Digging for Digital Gold
By Elizabeth Thede, Special for The Times USA The discovery of gold in 1848 in California spawned the Gold Rush of 1849. But finding gold today has less to do with wading through streams and more to do with effective text retrieval across terabytes of data. Here’s how to get started – no Western…
Dynamic Metadata Search in a Web-Based Document Management Application
By Elizabeth Thede, Special for The Times USA In previous articles, I’ve gone on at length extolling the value of integrated full-text and metadata searching. (Please see, for example, USA Daily Chronicles.) Like what? Suppose that you are looking for ProjectX and ProjectY and San Francisco and not Cleveland in the full-text of all…
Leading Privacy Authority on the State of Protections in 2022
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed technology security expert, Tom Kelly. Kevin Price, Editor at Large for USABR and Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business show, recently interviewed Tom Kelly of and….
How to Protect Systems and Database from Cyber Attacks?
Cyber security provides great confidence and trust to IT-related project authorities. There are massive ranges of high-quality security standards and parameters that can be achieved and which can be influenced to achieve your objectives. Make sure which standards and parameters are required according to the specific project need. Each and every type of database management…
6 Navigation Tips for Terabytes of Data
By Elizabeth Thede, Special for The Times USA Need to sift through terabytes of data? This article offers a step-by-step guide to using a search engine to find what you need. This guide uses terminology, etc. from the search engine dtSearch®. dtSearch’s enterprise and developer products can run “on premises” or on cloud platforms…
Biotech Company Seeks to Restore Life’s Potential with Innovative Solutions for the Nerve Damage Treatment
INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Paul Brennan. Paul Brennan, President & CEO, NervGen Pharma, discusses how his company’s lead product – NVG-291 – is being developed for spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW…
Digging into Data – Unburied Treasure
By Elizabeth Thede, Special for The Times USA Previously, I addressed how a search index like one generated from the program dtSearch® is like a data treasure map, supporting both individual and enterprise-wide concurrent searching with instant hit-highlighted search results. That way, multiple individuals can use the same treasure map at the same time and…
Bad Data Practice Hurts the Bottom Line
A new report from Dun & Bradstreet reveals businesses are missing revenue opportunities and losing customers due to bad data practices. Almost 20 percent of businesses have lost a customer due to using incomplete or inaccurate information about them, with a further 15 percent saying they failed to sign a new contract with a customer for the…
The U.S. Housing Market Perspective has Reached its Peak in Three Years
Last year’s sales slowdown, combined with the decidedly mixed data through the first half of 2019, certainly suggested that housing had passed its peak in this cycle. But the latest Health of Housing Markets Report (HoHM Report) from Nationwide Economics sees more positive, sustainable trends for the housing sector for at least the next year. “Economic figures…
Hidden Text – What Lies Beneath – PDF Edition
By Elizabeth Thede, Special for TTU This article delves into the hidden text world of PDFs. This piece supplements a previous article looking at hidden text in Microsoft Office files, emails and email attachments. Both this article and the previous article examine hidden text from the perspective of a search engine, specifically dtSearch. Large…
France’s Economy Takes a Hit
The Conference Board Leading Economic Index® (LEI) for France decreased 0.1 percent in February 2019 to 102.5 (2016=100). The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index® (CEI) for France increased 0.2 percent in February 2019 to 104.3 (2016=100). The composite economic indexes are the key elements in an analytic system designed to signal peaks and troughs in the business cycle. The leading and coincident economic indexes are…
Beyond Boolean Search
By Elizabeth Thede, Special for The Time USA Many people have heard of Boolean searching, which relies on and/or/not connectors. For example, apple and (banana or pear) and not broccoli is a sample Boolean expression as it combines and/or/not with the keywords apple, banana, pear and broccoli. The purpose of this article is to…
Employment Increased by 183,000 in February
Private sector employment increased by 183,000 jobs from January to February according to the February ADP National Employment Report®. Broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, the ADP National Employment Report is produced by the ADP Research Institute® in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics. The report, which is derived from ADP’s actual payroll data, measures the change…
How to Change Your Brand Messaging to Reach Generation Z
Fuse released new data today on how to reach Generation Z. According to Forbes, Generation Z will account for 40% of all consumers by next year. As marketers, it’s important to understand these consumers’ habits, interests, and behaviors to create a successful and targeted content strategy. Our study this month of 1,000 Gen Zers can help brands to…
Data Privacy’s Importance to Americans
By the Price of Business Show, Hosted by Kevin Price. The Price of Business is a media partner of this site. Price of Business Host Kevin Price talked with cybersecurity expert Tom Kelly, president and CEO of ID Experts, about a recent survey in USA Today that found data privacy was the number one social issue Americans wanted companies to address – above health…