Thousands of people start online businesses every year with the hope of establishing a profitable revenue stream. The sad reality is that up to 90% of online businesses fail within the first 120 days. If you’ve ever established any business, it may be clear to you that success does not come easy. Venturing into online business is no different. Many have achieved success in online business navigating the odds, gathering courage, and focusing on their vision. By mastering a few secrets, as shared by Salim Elhila, you are sure to broaden your insights about online business while increasing your chances of success.
Salim Elhila is a digital marketing strategist with a background in engineering. His first career was in artificial intelligence after training in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Engineering. He moved on to seek his heart’s desire and established online businesses at an early age. At only 26 years old, he has already reached 350K customers worldwide with his multiple businesses. He has also assisted hundreds of entrepreneurs in creating successful e-commerce businesses. One may ask, then, what are the secrets to establishing successful online enterprises at this level? Luckily for all of us, Salim Elhila shares his tips in e-commerce that may help propel you forward on the journey of success sooner than you think.
Dream Big
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Most success stories start with a big dream. A big vision and a mindset to achieve the dream will be rewarded with great results. Salim Elhila could have settled for his 9-5 engineering job with a good pay, but his vision was elsewhere. His dream was to set up digital marketing businesses and support aspiring entrepreneurs to succeed in this field of business. Salim is now helping hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs establish profitable businesses. In the process, he is scaling and spreading his impact by the day.
Prioritize what gives greater results
There are possibly a hundred and one items that occupy the schedule of an online entrepreneur. Your daily schedule should focus on activities that bring the most significant output within the least time or effort. Salim Elhila has mastered how to focus his energy and time on activities with high impact. For example, within five months, he had made 12 million in sales from his e-commerce business. Also, during last years’ Black Friday sales, Salim focused sales netted $1.5 million. Salim Elhila can attest that entrepreneurs who learn to focus their energies, talents, and time will most definitely find success in their ventures.
Work hard
Take it from Salim Elhila – hard work is an essential factor for success. Most successful entrepreneurs in any venture will put extra hours to succeed in their business. A survey in 2015 by a business platform Demo that sampled 256 CEOs shows that they, on average, put up 58.15 hours per week and six hours extra time on the weekend. While most regular employees will contend with a 40 hour week, success may be determined by the extra hours put in your venture. Some entrepreneurs equate the regular 8-5 work output to survival and any extra hours to success. For Salim Elhila, adequate time should be spent while establishing any venture. Time to study, engage, negotiate, analyze, manage and all that counts for business to grow is necessary. Failure to work hard has only one opt-out: shattered dream and dashed hopes.
Passionate focus on success
Zig Ziglar said that you were born to win. “But to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win and expect to win.” This statement comes from a mentor who helped many entrepreneurs succeed in business and demonstrates how passion should be cultivated. In 2018, after graduating, Salim Elhila created a trendy product marketplace from his small room, which was a great success. He never stopped there. Instead, he decided to launch a mentoring program and an online training course and finally chose to focus exclusively on e-learning and co-Founded Learning Master with his business partner Djibril Mara.
It’s not just passion, dreams, or hard work that matters. It is the steps and actions taken to succeed that make all the difference. Salim Elhila is a living testament that success in online businesses is achievable. Connect with him here to learn from him and find out more about his work.
Featured image used with permission by Salim Elhila