Anybody would definitely agree that generating revenue is among the main objectives of entrepreneurs. Healthcare professionals like chiropractors, doctors, dentists, etc., are also entrepreneurs who want to earn their business. To do this, healthcare providers must expand their patient base.
Self-made millionaire and entrepreneur Matt Prados acknowledged how significant it is for healthcare professionals to attract and retain patients. “Doctors, chiropractors, dentists, and other healthcare providers want to grow their business. There is no doubt about it. Getting more patients year after year is the primary driver of growth. Patients are the lifeblood of the healthcare industry,” Matt said.
Matt is the founder of the software company, Review Wave, which provides the top-of-the-line platform for reputation management and review marketing to chiropractors, doctors, dentists, and other healthcare professionals. He uses technology to create a better healthcare experience for patients.
Discovering Patient Experience
Several years ago, Matt asked some of his best clients what made them do better with their digital marketing. “We discovered that reviews are the common denominator among them,” he shared. His team worked on how healthcare professionals can gain more reviews. “When we saw the results, it still puzzled us. Healthcare providers who were already getting good reviews got even better. On the other hand, those professionals who did not gain any reviews before continue to struggle to get one,” he narrated.
Matt thought that automating the feedback request could solve the problem. He developed the first version of their software on feedback process automation. “The initial version of our software replaces the staff and the confrontation part with the patient with email and texting,” Matt explained. Everybody got results due to automation. Once again, they discovered that the results were vastly different. Clients who were already getting good reviews got way more reviews, while those who already had fewer reviews only got a limited number of reviews. The results baffled Matt for quite some time.
“I once again examined the negative feedback to know what people are saying and why they are unhappy. One thing became evident – the patient experience. My team and I turned our attention to streamlining specific business processes of healthcare professionals to improve the customer experience of their patients,” Matt said.
Matt said that most people had encountered good doctors with unpleasant bedside manners or not-so-great doctors but excellent bedside manners, which both do not offer a great experience. That is why Review Wave developed the software for doctors, who are among the top in their field, to become better with the personal side of healthcare service. “We have started adding various features that provide convenience to patients such as mobile apps and allowing patients to book a schedule online,” he added.
Getting More Patients With Automation
Many healthcare providers hesitate business automation because they view it as not personal. It is one of the misconceptions enshrouding automation today. However, Matt disagrees that automation will make their business not personal. “I feel it is the opposite. I firmly believe that the more you automate those nonpersonal things in your business, the more you can be personal the rest of the time,” he explained.
Based on Matt’s experience, automation can help improve the patient experience. “Several years back, I dug into my clients’ negative feedback to know why some clients get more reviews while others do not. I discovered that not all patients are unhappy at their doctor’s office. Then, I realized that there is a need to streamline those practices to create a better patient experience,” he narrated.
Matt argued that contrary to the common notion, automation is using technology to make things more personal in the healthcare industry. Automation can improve their bottom line. “Through the use of our software, millions of patients can now receive better healthcare because automation improved the service of their healthcare providers. Patients are people. We want to help them find the experience that they want in life,” Matt continued.
An Offering From Review Wave
Review Wave offers software that can provide convenience to patients. “It was designed to help health professionals to create an excellent impression and make people feel good,” he pointed out.
The software offers the best version that healthcare practitioners could get. Matt revealed that the online scheduling app is the most popular. It makes it uncomplicated for new patients to book an appointment. An existing patient can use the app to book or reschedule a follow-up appointment. Before they visit the clinic for their first appointment, patients can now fill out forms online.
“We developed our software around the concept of convenience. That is why we made it super easy to use and kept the interface clean. People are seeing their doctor more often because it is so easy to schedule appointments. Those are the little things that help improve people’s lives,” Matt said.
Now, it is your time to create a better patient experience. Take the opportunity!
Learn how to automate your healthcare business to create a better patient experience with Review Wave founder Matt Prados by visiting