Social media is one of the most effective tools for engaging one’s audience. Without it, business is unlikely to grow in the digital age. Facebook, which is seen by many as the largest social networking platform in the world, can be maximized by companies specializing in clinical trial patient recruitment. To ensure that this can be done, fishbat discusses how to build and leverage relationships with patients on Facebook.
One of the ways to build and leverage relationships with patients on Facebook is by providing them with content that they find valuable. For example, a patient recruitment company for clinical trials may publish articles regarding advances in medicine, detailing studies that have been done with certain treatments. A company may also publish opportunities for patients looking to get involved in clinical trials, whether on a local level or nationwide. In any event, content is imperative in building relationships on Facebook.
Next, focus on user input. Those that follow patient recruitment companies on Facebook, may still have criticisms they’d like to have addressed. This is where a focus on user input can prove useful, as it allows companies to benefit from an additional source of knowledge. Perhaps a patient recruitment company isn’t doing as much in terms of user-focused content, including self-help blogs post or top-ten articles. This is just one example, but addressing input, even if it’s negative, can help build positive relationships on Facebook.
As a patient recruitment company continues to post content on Facebook, it’s in their best interest to recognize what performs best. From there, a solid plan can be created that emphasizes said content, as it’s likely to help the Facebook page perform better. For instance, if it’s discovered that top-five or top-ten lists perform best, in terms of written content, these should be prioritized. Not only will this help with the continual dissemination of high-quality content, but it will be effective at continually building the aforementioned relationships on Facebook.
Perhaps the most important way to build and leverage relationships is by simply engaging the audience. One of the biggest oversights a company can make on Facebook is ignoring the feedback that’s being received. This will make fans feel as though they’re being ignored. Whether it’s a question regarding a clinical trial or praise when it comes to a whitepaper, a clinical trial patient recruitment company would be wise to respond to all feedback. This engagement will go a long way in fostering relationships on Facebook.