Do past mistakes keep you from taking new risks? Are you holding onto a dream you don’t know how to bring to life? Are you chasing after temporary pleasures just to escape your restlessness? Does each day feel mundane, monotonous, and repetitive? Do you feel like it’s too late to make a change in your life? If any of these sounds like you, have you ever wondered what’s holding you back from feeling like the most confident woman in the room? The truth is it’s not because of how you look on the outside, but something internal.
Many people spend a lot of time trying to accomplish things so that they could eventually like themselves, but the truth is, knowing one’s authentic self is a challenge. The only way to see yourself correctly is to do so through the eyes of God, the designer. Without understanding His grace and intention for you, you will always feel like there is something to prove, and that’s a dangerous place to be. Elana van Deventer can attest to this, but she found her way towards a purposeful life when she found Grace.
Her Story
Elana van Deventer started her The Revive Method after listening to her God-given heartbeat. For years she existed in a sort of constant emotional cardiac failure until the point when she could not even shock her heart back into rhythm. She was flatlining, and it was scary. When she was three years old, she suffered from a brain injury but recovered with her head held up high. At the age of 35, she started a foundation dedicated to women’s empowerment. Then at 36, when most people feel like it is too late to start discovering themselves, Elana encountered the truth about herself through God’s Grace.
She took hold of the secret to thrive in life, on a psychological, spiritual journey to discard limiting beliefs, roadblocks, and other impediments. Her life-threatening experience at 3 years of age became the place she needed to return to with new eyes of grace to transform into the most authentic version of herself. She is currently on a mission to teach women worldwide to find that freedom for themselves by aligning their hearts, minds, bodies, and actions with the truth.
Understand Your Worth in God’s Eyes
Elana figured out that she is not the only one who forgets about this and knows someone else needs this reminder! God treasures who you are today, not who you will become tomorrow. According to her, you can become so preoccupied with the questions of tomorrow that you miss out on the beauty, relationships, and experiences God longs to rejuvenate you with today. Hence, often, you double up on commitment, planning, and just doing whatever ‘busy’ looks like for you or feeling heavy and overwhelmed by the pressure to show up on social media that passion starts to fade. Joy and peace can only be present when your identity roots are planted in suitable soil. Outward growth and experiences without an internal alignment is unsustainable and exhausting. Try harvesting fruit from a tree that isn’t rooted in soil.
Elana believes that our landmine moments will build landmarks of God’s faithfulness in the exact place we think we’ve lost everything. She wishes you to see His mighty hand working at your adversity, not just to overcome evil but to protect your heart and soul in his love. He can do beyond what anyone can ever ask or imagine. Take hold of this truth.
From fear to faith, confusion to clarity, self-doubt to confidence, Elana found her way through, which she wants for others. Currently, she is on a mission to teach women around the world to see that freedom for themselves by aligning their hearts, minds, bodies, and actions with the truth.
Instagram: @elanavandeventer